Pool Supply and Maintenance

Air Basins

Hydromassic ductb constituent base
Надувные бассейны intex, bestway - Intex-Online.Ru Arctic Spa deserves the most popularity, thanks to the application of recent technologies to design, professional hydromassium, exceptional reliability and durability.

Coyote Spa is a line of accessible spa from the same Canadian producer, Arctic Spa. Viking Spa is a series of American spas who have a great price ratio - quality. The bases are reliable, attractive to their appearance, hydromassage and affordable prices.

We're happy to offer summer hydromass pools!

The American Dream Spa has been well established in the Russian market. Buy in warm water all summer, even if you've had a bad day.

The simplest and most accessible option is the aerospace pool. Put the air pool in the bathhouse or on the lawn in the garden. He's very compact, has 2 meters in diameter. In kit Watershed equipment is supplied. The heater provides water heating up to 40 degrees Celsius, the compressor provides aerial massage throughout the chash area, the cartridge filter cleans the water. The inflatable pool has a floating lid and a nylon chip in it.

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