Pool Supply and Maintenance

Build Pools In The Pit

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The centralized water supply in Petersburg was created by the establishment of the St. Petersburg Water Supply Society, which was approved by Alexander II on 10 October 1858.

Among the founders of the Society were engineers. A. N. Jermakov, P.I. Palibin, A.A. Peretz, E.I. Okel And the big commercials are I.I. Glasunov, M.I. Yakunkov, I.N. Kusinnikov.


At the very beginning, the stock company faced great financial and technological difficulties. In early 1863, the construction of the plumbing nearly stopped. At that time, a water tower was built on the Svalier Street (I.A. Merz and E. Schubersky Architectures) and a number of water network gates were installed. The funds of the company ' s statutory capital have been spent, the shares have been badly sold, and even the government grant has failed to change the situation. In March 1863, the Pheterburg Purchase I of the A.I. Kron Gildija entered the Society, which contributed a shortfall (approximately 900,000 roubles) and had begun to complete the protracted work.

The provision of water to the first consumers began at the end of 1863.
During the construction, the initial project was modified. First, it was planned to take water from the so-called " carcass " , connected to the Nation of the artificial waters near the Taurical Palace. However, the " carcas " for these purposes was unsuitable, and the Society had to arrange a watershed from Nev.

Until the mid-1980s, only the left-bearing part of the city used the plumbing. In order to provide water to the Petersburg (Petrograd) and the Selections and the Vasiliev Islands, a new stock company (Tovaria) was established in 1873, which was transferred to the management of English contractors.

In 1890 The City Duma decided to purchase the property of the St. Petersburg Waterways Society, and in 1892, the new water pipelines and the urban property. The City Executive Commission for St. Petersburg Water Supply was set up to manage plumbing. Upon submission, the chairman of the executive commission was appointed a manager of urban water pipelines.

During the first decades of operation of the centralized water supply system in St. Petersburg, all subscribers received only rough mechanical treatment. In 1889, sand filters built by the Sanct Petersburg public plumbing were launched at the main water pipeline station at the urgent demand of the city authorities.

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