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The Bassein With Its Hands

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Construction of a suburban house

Home building issues. Selection of construction materials, planning and implementation of deliberate ways to avoid errors at the start-up stage.

141 Communications
31 Themes

Latest answer from AlekseiThafe
To buy sand in Gatchin
04 July 2017, 13:01:08

Repair home with his hands

How to properly plan the renovation of the house and prevent errors in the selection of separate materials and tools. The main stages of the renovation are sharing experience.

78 Communications
13 Topics

Latest answer from lshouxusty
Glass doors
21 June 2017, 10:32:30

Private house communications

Engineering communications for suburban houses, which should be taken into account in the construction of sewage and water. The right choice of materials, planning for communication.

45 Communications
8 Topics

Last answer from Turk
Answer: Antifreeze in Ozinco. ♪ ♪
23 June 2016, 06:54:06

Electricity and electronics

Electricity of the apartment and the private house. Main electrical issues, from the replacement of the grid to the installation of a three-phase counter and the laying of the power line.

42 Communications
7 Subject

Latest reply from Savko
29 December 2016, 18:18:02

Building tool

Choose a tool for construction and repair, from hammer to benzopile. Which should be taken into account in the purchase, which could be saved, and for what it's best to repay. Electrical repairs.

40 Communications
7 Subject

Last reply from KozelhSock
05 July 2017, 09:35:09

For private house owners

We'll share our ideas and our inventions. All the things that can make it easier for a villager and a lucky man to help build and earn.

48 Communications

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